1、快樂應該是美德的伴侶。happiness should be a companion of virtue
2、我們的目標:向錢看,向厚賺。our goal:money,to make thick
3、我的心裡甜滋滋的,感到了從未有過的歡樂。i felt,had never felt the joy
4、令人不能自拔的,除了牙齒還有愛情。i can't help myself,except for teeth and love
5、與人相處之道,在於無限的容忍。the way to get along with others lies in infinite tolerance
6、像是喝了清醇的酒,嘴角也露出了笑!like a mellow wine,the mouth is also exposed to smile
7、手拿菜刀砍電線,一路火花帶閃電。cut the wire with a kitchen knife,with sparks all the way
8、她滿臉是甜蜜的微笑,活像一朵盛開的玫瑰花。her face is sweet smile,like a blooming rose
9、當我們愛別人的時候,生活是美好、快樂的。when we love others,life is beautiful and happy
10、求快樂時非快樂,得便宜處失便宜。to be happy is not to be happy,but to be cheap is to lose it
11、微笑擁抱每一天,做像葵花般和煦的女子。smile,embrace every day,be a sunflower like woman
12、那顆心樂得快要盛不下蜜糖般的喜悅。the heart was so happy that it could not contain the joy of honey
13、夜秘密的把花開放了,卻讓白日去領受謝詞。night secret opened the flower,but allows the day to get
14、沒有人能比笑得過多的人更感到深切的悲衰。no one can feel more deeply sad than a man who laughs too much
15、他高興,猶如北京的二月,春風吹的暖意融融!he is happy,just like the february of beijing,the warmth of spring breeze is warm
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