all of the unexpected just to meet you 所有的不期而遇 只為遇見你。 sometimes,people cry not because they're's because they have been strong for too long 有的時候,人們之所以哭泣並不是因為軟弱,而是因為他們堅強了太久。
after you appeared,i was happier than i was before,and i was more likely to be sad than before 你出現以後,我比以前更快樂,也比以前更容易難過。 life is your own,please dress up and be lovely as much as you like 生活是自己的,盡情打扮,盡情可愛。
i didn't get to show you my best snowboarding when i competed in beijing,so now i want to share some of my favorite photos with you of what i can really do!-豆包姐。 我沒有向你展示我在北京最好的滑雪技巧,所以現在我想分享一些我最喜歡的照片。
man has to be crazy for once,whether it is for a person,a love story,a journey or a dream 人一生總要瘋狂一次,無論是為一個人,一段情,一次旅途,亦或一個夢想。 no matter how you feel,get up,dress up and show up 不管你的感覺如何,你都要起床,打扮好自己然後開始新的一天。