if not that rainy day,is not that is not easily a pupil of the eye,how could you see the heart of me like rain 如果不是那個雨天,不是那不輕易的一眸,你怎會看見我似雨的心。 some people come into our lives,leave footprints on our hearts,and we are never the same 有些人來到我們生命里,在我們心裡留下了印記,然後我們,就再也不是以前的我們了。
time can never stop the pace of dreams,in front of dreams,do not give up,do not abandon 時間從來不能阻擋夢想的腳步,夢想面前,不放棄,也不拋棄。 write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year 請記住,每一天都是一年中最精彩的一天。
happiness is not something ready made.it comes from your own actions 幸福不是坐享其成,而是奮鬥出來的。 today is your opportunity to build the tomorrow you want 把握今天的機遇,成就明天的自己。
if two past lovers can remain friends,it's either they were never in love or they still are 如果分手的戀人還能做朋友,要不從沒愛過,要不還在愛著。 love your parents.we are so busy growing up,we often forget they are also growing old 愛你的父母吧,我們忙著長大同時,常會忘記,他們也漸漸老去。
when something is important enough,you do it even if the odds are not in your favor 如果一件事足夠重要,即使勝算不大,也要勇敢去做。 just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do.where there is love and inspiration,l don't think you can go wrong 不要放棄自己喜歡的事業。生活有愛,靈感滿溢,人生就能遇見美好。