life ends when you stop dreaming.hope ends when you stop ends when you stop caring.friendship ends when you stop sharing 生命止於不再有夢,希望止於不再信仰。愛情止於不再在乎,友誼止於不再分享。 i still believe that the stars will speak,the stone,will blossom,through the summer and winter snow fence after,you will arrive 我還是會相信,星星會說話,石頭會開花,穿過夏天的柵欄和冬天的風雪過後,你終會抵達。
it is hard to give reasons for the true only know you want his company anywhere,anytime in any mood 真正愛一個人是無法說出原因的。你只知道無論何時何地、心情好壞,你都希望這個人陪著你。 years of quiet good,just want to count your heartbeat,slowly accompany you grow old 歲月靜好,只想數著你的心跳,慢慢地陪著你變老。
later,i realized that many things are useless,just like you are holding a cup of boiling water.although it is verythirsty,i feel that it will be put down 後來才明白,很多事說再多也沒有用,就像你拿著一杯開水,雖然很渴,但覺得燙手還是會放下。 hard work may not always result in success,but it will never result in regret 努力不一定能成功,但永遠不會後悔。
everything in this world is just temporary,even bad days &sleepless nights 這個世界上發生的每件事都只是暫時的。即使是糟糕的日子,失眠的夜晚。 do what makes you with who makes you smile.laugh as much as you as long as you live 做讓你開心的事,交能逗你樂的朋友;像呼吸一樣頻繁地開懷笑,像生命一樣長久地全心愛。